(Going heavy and going far)
Now that we’ve completed a solid 8 week base phase, it’s time to transfer that newly built muscle, fitness and movement connection to the next exciting step; building our lower-rep strength, testing those pesky movement specific AMRAPs and dialling in the medium time-zone workouts and intervals. The base phase is the bottom of the pyramid, which means now we’re moving into the core of the structure. Workouts will mostly be slightly shorter than previously (with some longer and even shorter ones still - of course), our strength reps will be moderate in the 3-6 rep ranges, and our bodyweight movements will be tested in the higher rep ranges and amongst other workouts that can interfere and encourage us to maintain our technique and concentration.
This is a really exciting phase where we get to see what that 8 weeks has enabled us to build. As per, I’m going to lay out most of the testers that we’ll be coming up against, and leave just a few cards unturned on the table.
Back Squat 3RM
Front Squat 1RM
Power Clean 1RM
Floor Press 3RM
DB Overhead Complex (3,4 & 5RM)
Skills Testing
Muscle-up tester workout
5 Rounds For time:
20 toes to bar
15m handstand walk OR 30 handstand shoulder taps
50 double unders
20 Minutes Max Metres
Olympic Weightlifting
(testing is on week commencing 17th July)
3RM snatch
2RM clean & jerk
3RM snatch deadlift
(testing is on week commencing 17th July)
3RM paused front squat
5RM close grip floor press
1RM push press
3:00 unbroken sandbag/d-ball bearhug hold
Muscle-up month! Get your chin over? How about getting your entire body over! Whether it’s laying the foundation of education and understanding the process and next steps, getting your first one or getting your 10th, these classes are going to help level-up your muscle-up game. Now with 3 classes a week, there’s no excuse for not improving those muscle-ups!