May 2024 Programming Blog

May 11, 2024

Strong, Fit and Capable


That's what I think of when I'm writing monthly blocks of programming. Regardless of the detailed focuses that go into them, the overall goal is building an incredibly resilient person, who's capable of anything life throws at them, and then some. Being able to mix the elements that people think you shouldn't be able to, but we do, and we do it really well.


This month's focuses sees us building on the pillars of great CrossFit, continuing to develop our strength whilst challenging it in different styles that go against what people think we 'should' be doing- because we've seen how incredibly powerful it is, and we love being able to do things that people think we can't!


Continue reading about strong, fit and capable in May...


All whilst gradually nudging forward our fitness, with a touch of grit sprinkled in- because you can't be fit or strong without it.



Classic Workouts

Semifinals Event 1


Nasty Girls



1-rep max jerk

3-rep max hang squat clean


Hero Workout

Monday 27th


For time:

1 mile run

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 air squats

1 mile run


Olympic Weightlifting

1-rep max snatch

1-rep max clean & jerk



1-rep max back squat

1-rep max bench press

1-rep max deadlift



30 bar muscle-ups for time

+44 7877 192308